
Typically, a cremation funeral service costs between £2,500 and £3,500 incl. VAT but excluding legal and catering services.

This fee  includes the following:

  • Removal of the Deceased to the Funeral home
  • Supply standard coffin for cremation
  • Supply Hearse with attendants for the funeral service
  • Funeral Directors fee (includes care of deceased and preparation for final viewing )
  • Crematorium fees
  • Doctors fees (providing death certificates)
  • Casket with name plate
  • Cremation plot
  • Plot marker

Legal costs for probate application and funeral disbursements starts from £950 but may be more depending on the complexity of the estate.

In addition, should you wish to erect a memorial stone at a later date, this would cost approximately £1,300 incl. VAT. 

